One person died

Evolving digital image, indefinite time, 2015

Every day, headlines announce staggering death tolls: 50 in an attack, 4,000 in a massacre, 1.5 million in a genocide. These figures are not mere statistics; they represent unique and irreplaceable lives, from every corner of the world. The installation One Person Died is dedicated to commemorating each victim, particularly those from genocides such as the Rwandan, Kosovar, Khmer, Jewish, Indian, and Armenian tragedies, inviting visitors to reflect on the profound value of life.

The phrase “One person died” is displayed in varying sizes and colors through the use of an algorithm, changing configurations continuously while the phrase itself remains constant. A digital counter tracks each repetition, resetting after reaching 1.5 million – a number symbolic of the victims of the Armenian genocide in the early 20th century. This project was programmed by Laurent Novac from HE-Arc Ingénierie.

In 2015 One person died was projected on/in following institutions:
MultipleSpacings gallery, Bern; Centre d’art Neuchâtel (CAN); Péristyle de l’Hôtel de Ville, Neuchâtel; Garboushian gallery, Beverly Hills, California; Projektraum M54, Basel; Château de Cormondrèche; Proiectum, Köniz; Théâtre du Grütli, Geneva; Le Manoir de la Ville de Martigny; Centre d’art Contemporain Ticino (MACT/CACT); University of Moncton, NB, Canada; Saint Gervais, Geneva; CentrePasquArt, Bienne; Galerie C, Neuchâtel; Centre d’art Contemporain Yverdon-les-bains (CACY); EPFL Rolex learning center,

One person died, projection on Centre d'art contemporain Yverdon

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