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Monday, 14 April 2014 11:18

Self Portrait

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Self Portrait

Installation, 1997: digital images, 2008

Containers that hold our internal belongings, our values, our fears… A container holds a physical portrait; another one holds fragments of a culture: letters, home, etc., and the other one holds soil, the base of any living creature. There are also the unknowns.


Monday, 14 April 2014 08:53

I was born on February 11th

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I was born on February 11th

Performance, 2009

I was born on February 11th. Nobody ever told me that it was a special day, except for my family of course. Nobody knew that 21 years later my birthday would become a very special day for the entire country of Iran. My 21st birthday coincided the day of the Iranian Islamic Revolution. What if I were born 21 years later? How would I be? Would I have a different life and a different set of rules? Would I look differently? Would I feel differently? Would I feel comfortable following all the rules and regulations?

Before the revolution Iran was not the most democratic country in the world, but some basic liberties were granted to men and women. Women didn't have to cover themselves so perfectly to protect men from sexual excitement and men didn't have to follow a special dress code or a behavioral pattern.

What is inside a covered woman? What does she hide? Isn't she the same person as before being covered? What happens to her “covered” identity? Is her identity the same for herself and not for the outside world? Would I be morally different if I had to cover my head as a little girl?

At the opening of the exhibition, during a ritualistic performance, I wrap myself with fabric, while a recorded narrative, with my voice, expresses my feelings about the concept:

I cover myself. Yes. I cover myself to protect men from committing errors. I cover myself because I'm a nice person. I cover myself because men cannot cover their eyes. It's not convenient. I cover myself to show others that I don't belong to them and I'm different and I'm humble. Others are not. I was not, when I wasn't covering my hair. My hair has an immense power. It attracts men and demons. My body attracts them too. So, I don't want to show it. I cover it with fabric. That saves me from the outside world. Others are open to outside...

Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, California, 2009
Monday, 14 April 2014 08:52


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The good, the bad, the ugly

A series of 6 digital images, 2013

Audiovisual Torture

Video, 39", 2013

Ce ne sont pas les conditions du centre de détention ou les techniques de torture qui différencient Guantanamo des autres prisons. Ce sont plutôt la manière et les raisons de choisir les détenues et les garder hors de toute juridiction.

Qui sont ces détenus ? De quoi sont-ils coupables et pourquoi ? Qui décide de leur culpabilité ? Est que les personnes qui prennent les décisions peuvent-elles être coupables aussi ? Est-ce qu’un gouvernement peut être aussi coupable ? Vis à vis de qui ?

Le dilemme se trouve dans la distinction entre ce qui est légal et ce qui est illégal. Comment l’illégal d’hier peut être le légal d’aujourd’hui et à son tour décider ce qui est légal. Les combattants légaux et illégaux. La guerre, le terrorisme, la terreur et l’incertitude…





Monday, 14 April 2014 08:52


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Installation, 1997

When we travel we use boxes to transport our belongings. There's also the emotional bagage that we carry with us.






Monday, 14 April 2014 08:52

Box, cross, dissmemberment, genocide

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Box, cross, dissmemberment, genocide

Installation, performance, 1997

The box is white and mysterious. It sits in the middle of the room. She opens the box reverentially. The ritual is not about mourning, but about discovery and revelation. The box opens and it becomes a cross. The cross carries a body, candles and papers. She empties the box and discovers the body. She lights the candles around it and rests for a moment. Then she takes the pieces apart and moves them to different directions. She plants seeds in the ground next to each piece. The candles keep burning...

Shoushanig Lyric Image, Edward Mirzoyan
Lord, open us the doors,
arr. by R. Atayan, Lucine Zakarian, soprano
Moxica and the horse,
Text: excerpt from Arshile Gorky's letter to his sister Vartoush, February 25, 1941, New York
Voice: Greg Thompson
Sculpture: Simon Guevrekian and Alina Mnatsakanian

Monday, 14 April 2014 08:52


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Monday, 14 April 2014 08:52

One person died

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One person died

Installation in diptych – evolving digital moving image and video, 2011

One person died is an istallation in two parts that addresses human attrocities unpunished and unrecognized; acceptation of the crime being the only way of redemption.

Every day, in the news, a large number of people are declared dead: 50 in an attack, 4000 in a massacre, 1.5 million in a Genocide... These victims are not simple numbers. Each one of them is a unique and valuable being, regardless of his place of origin. One person died is dedicated to each one of these victims, especially those of genocides, be it Rwandan, Kosovar, Khmer, Jewish, Indian or Armenian. The installation offers visitors a moment of reflection on a universal subject that speaks of life and its value.

One person died – evolving digital image, indefinite time, 2011
With the help of an algorithm, the phrase “One person died” repeats itself in different sizes and colors. The configuration changes constantly, but the phrase stays unchanged. A digital counter registers the number of repetition. Once the number reaches 1.5 million, the the counter restarts. 1.5 million is in reference to the number of victimes of the Armenian genocide of the beginning of the 20th century. Programming: Laurent Novac, HE-Arc ingénierie

Puricifation – video, 3’, en boucle, 2011






Monday, 14 April 2014 08:15

Animated GIFs

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Monday, 14 April 2014 08:15


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Monday, 14 April 2014 08:14

Urban Movements

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